Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Torrington Lock-Up Raises Nearly $29,000 for MDA

Hartford, Conn., June 23, 2010 – The Hartford Chapter of the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) held their annual Hartford Executive Lock-Up on Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at Cambridge House in Torrington.

Business leaders from Torrington, Winsted and New Hartford were arrested at their place of business and transported to Cambridge House, located at 84 Main Street in Torrington, to serve time at the local MDA Lock-Up. During their incarceration, “jailbirds” enjoyed complimentary “jail” food while they called friends and family to help them make “bail.” The “jailbirds” were recruited prior to the event and were encouraged to pre-raise “bail” in the weeks leading up to the Lock-Up. Individual participants raised an average bail of $473. This year the local MDA raised nearly $29,000 at the Lock Up. All of the proceeds will support MDA and the fight against neuromuscular disease.

Sven Holmgren from Viking Remodeling was the highest-collecting “jailbird,” raising $3,110 and counting! Other top “jaibirds” included Rich Ducci of Ducci Electric who raised $3, 035, Althea “Candy” Perez who raised $2,490, Reverand Jackie Hall from Winchester Center who raised $1,384, and Carol Monroe from Northwest Commmunity Bank who raised $1,087. Special thanks to Kim from the Cambridge House and our volunteers from Kohl’s, Torrington Honda, Mitchell Auto Group, and the Torrington Police Department.

MDA is the nonprofit health agency dedicated to curing muscular dystrophy, ALS and related diseases by funding worldwide research. The Association also provides comprehensive health care and support services, advocacy and education. The majority of contributions to MDA come from individual donors.

For more information about this event please contact Melody Avery at (203) 288-3500 or or contact Brooke Eder at (203) 288-3500 or

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