Friday, August 12, 2011

A&P Family of Supermarkets Gets "Locked Up" on the Hudson

A&P Family of Supermarkets, among other local businesses, will support the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) by getting locked up on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at the Wicked Wolf Tavern in Hoboken, N.J. to raise “bail” for MDA.

John Bincoletto of A&P Family of Supermarkets in Hoboken is a repeat offender for the 2011 Lock Up on the Hudson. In 2010, he raised $2,300 and will be participating again this year. A&P Family of Supermarkets has also supported MDA in the Shamrock Against Dystrophy program. The Hoboken location raised over $9,500.

Bincoletto and fellow community business leaders will be arrested at their place of business and transported by local police departments to the Wicked Wolf Tavern, located at 120 Sinatra Drive, Hoboken, N.J. 07030, to serve their time at the local MDA Lock-Up from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Each Jailbird will raise $1,600 in the weeks leading up to the event and then will visit the “jailhouse” to turn in their bail, enjoy MDA’s version of “gourmet bread and water” otherwise known as lunch, and have the opportunity to network with colleagues and friends. The $1,600 bail goes toward funding MDA’s week-long overnight camp, in Spring Valley, N.Y., for children ages 6-17, served by The Association. MDA aims to raise at least $50,000 from the event.

Visit to receive more information or to participate in the Lock Up.

MDA is the nonprofit health agency dedicated to curing muscular dystrophy, ALS and related disease by funding worldwide research. The Association also provides comprehensive health care and support services, advocacy and education.

For more information on this event or to register as a “jailbird”, please contact Vanessa Malfitano at (201) 843-4452 or, Jessica Powers of Wicked Wolf Tavern at, or Valerie D’Angiolini at (203) 288-3500 or

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