Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Local Support Sends Youth to MDA Summer Camp

SPRING VALLEY, N.Y., August 17, 2010- Over 70 youth from cities throughout N.Y., N.J., and Conn. will be attending the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s (MDA) annual summer camp for kids at Visions Center on Blindness in Spring Valley, N.Y. from August 21 until August 28, 2010.

MDA’s camp programs offer the unique experience for young people with neuromuscular diseases to participate in a variety of events created to develop friendships, share interests and build self confidence. The camp consists of a week long session featuring typical camp activities adapted for youths between the ages of six and 17 with one of the over 40 neuromuscular diseases. The $800 camper fee is covered entirely by generous support from local corporations, groups and individuals who raise funds to support MDA and so no cost is incurred by the family.

This year, campers will enjoy a myriad of activities throughout the week including swimming, fishing, adaptive sports, scavenger hunts and arts and crafts. The annual VIP Day will take place on Wednesday, August 25. On VIP Day, prospective campers, media and sponsors can visit the camp. Counselors, campers and their families will enjoy a day of food, fun and activities and will get to mingle with other volunteers and sponsors, as well as local fire fighters. Campers will enjoy a Whiffle Ball tournament, arts and crafts, balloon making, face painting, a pipe and drum band, and other fun activities.

“MDA summer camp is the best week of the year when children with neuromuscular disease can enjoy themselves in true peer groups and can participate in full range outdoor activities adapted to their abilities,” MDA Camp Director Gloria English said. “Besides being great fun, camp helps youngsters grow and develop emotionally and socially-it’s truly the highlight of the year, for both campers and volunteers.”

MDA is a voluntary health agency dedicated to helping more than one million Americans affected by neuromuscular disorders through programs of worldwide research, comprehensive services, and far reaching professional and public health education.

For more information about this event please contact Gloria English at (914) 345-5062 or at genglish@mdausa.org.

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