Wednesday, June 16, 2010

MDA Opens New Pediatric Clinic at Yale-New Haven Children's Hospital

New Haven, Conn., June 3, 2010 – The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) is pleased to announce the opening of an outpatient pediatric clinic at One Long Wharf, New Haven, Conn. to serve people in Southern Conn. who have any of the over 40 diseases in MDA’s program.

The MDA-sponsored clinic Yale- New Haven Children’s Hospital and the Physicians of Yale Medical Group will offer diagnostic and follow-up care for muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Leo Gehrig’s disease) and other muscle-wasting diseases.

The MDA-sponsored clinic held its grand opening on May 5, 2010 and will see patients by appointment on the first Wednesday of each month.

Services at the MDA clinic will be provided by pediatric neurologist, pediatric orthopaedic surgeon, pulmonologist, physical and occupational therapists and genetics consultant. The clinic will also offer access to such services as speech and language pathology and social services consultations, as well as to other health specialists skilled in the medical management of these diseases, including cardiology.

The new MDA-sponsored clinic will be co-directed by Board Certified Orthopeadic Surgeon Dr. Brian G. Smith, M.D.; and Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology Dr. Geoffrey Miller, M.D.; and Sumit Bhargava, M.D. Pediatric Pulmonologist and certified sleep specialist, as well as nurse coordinator Louise Lanouette, R.N.

“The MDA-sponsored pediatric clinic at Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital will enhance MDA;s delivery of important health care services to adults and children with muscle diseases in our community,” Said Lauren Joyce, Executive Director of MDA’s Southeast Conn. Chapter, “In addition to top-rated medical services through MDA clinics, MDA’s local office also offers support groups, summer camps for youngsters, assistance with repairing durable medical equipment and much more. Anyone whose doctor suspects a disease in MDA’s program is invited to contact our office to find out how the Association can be of assistance.”

Those needing to obtain a referral or to schedule an appointment at the clinic please call the Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital and Pediatric Specialty Centers at (203) 785-4081. The clinic will serve people throughout Southern Conn. and beyond. The MDA-sponsored clinic is one of 220 MDA outpatient clinics that the Association maintains across the country.

MDA is the nonprofit health agency dedicated to curing muscular dystrophy, ALS and related diseases by funding worldwide research. The Association also provides comprehensive health care and support services, advocacy and education, medical and support services, and far-reaching professional and public health education.

For more information on this event please contact Lauren Joyce at (203) 248-6500 or ljoyce@mdausa or Bob Mackle at (520) 529-5317 or For more information about MDA;s programs, visit

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